
Healthy Snacks for Pregnant Women

Jul 14, 2014
Healthy Snacks for Pregnant Women
During pregnancy, it’s even more important to focus on eating healthy, clean food. Here are a few healthy snacks that are easy to carry with you while you’re on the go!

During pregnancy, it’s even more important to focus on eating healthy, clean food. Here are a few healthy snacks that are easy to carry with you while you’re on the go!

1. Trail Mix

Some trail mix contains a lot of calories. However, if you make your own with almonds, cashews and pistachios, you’ll have a healthy snack that’s packed with flavor!

2. Lara Bars

Not all granola bars are good for you. A lot are loaded with artificial ingredients. However, Lara Bars are the exception. They usually contain less that five ingredients and are perfect for taking with you on the go.

3. Hard Boiled Eggs

Hard boiled eggs are the perfect snack because, not only are they loaded with protein, but recent studies show they also contain choline, which protects a baby against neural tube defects.

4. Baby Carrots

Baby carrots are rich in flavor, high in fiber and easy to take with you. If you want to add a little extra pop to this snack, try dipping them in hummus.

5. Peelable Fruit

Bananas and oranges are simple, health pregnancy snacks. Have a little pregnancy fatigue? The natural sugars in these fruits can give you the extra kick you need!

6. Natural Fruit Cup

Even though some fruit cups contain syrup, you can find fruit cups that are packed in natural fruit juice.

Consult your physician for more information on healthy foods to eat during pregnancy.